Saturday, October 26, 2013

Small Footsteps in the Land of the Dragon

Small Footsteps in the Land of the Dragon: 
Growing Up in China
by Barbara Brooks Wallace
Publisher:  Pangea Publications

  • ISBN-10: 0989406547
  • ISBN-13: 978-0989406543

How many Americans can say that they were born in China? Today China is viewed as a powerhouse, world player, financier and new entry in to the world corporate scene, but in this short autobiography, "Small Footsteps in the Land of the Dragon," it is the China of the "little people" -- the children -- that we see. Looking at the "normal" world around her, the author describes, in her childhood voice, the impressions of her childhood, especially the day to day activities that she had no idea were different from what other children experienced. Beggars in the streets, bandits, getting lost in hostile countryside fields, gunfire in the city, were all part of "normal" everyday events.

While large social and political upheavals were growing and becoming more and more violent, everyday life went on. In Barbara's childhood, the older Chinese sensibility ruled.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Ransom Raffle!

Doesn't it get hard to wait for the next book in a series or trilogy?  I mean, you read the first one or two, get hooked, then, well then nothing.  The author hasn't written or at least hasn't published the next book - think of the 'A Song of Fire and Ice' (Game of Thrones) by Martin, or the 'Saving Mars' series by Swanson. I've been there often, so often that I prefer not to start a trilogy or series unless all the books are written. Of course, I get caught out now and again, witness 'Saving Mars'. So if you're like me and  like your trilogy all done before you start, Michele Poague has you covered. Her last book in the Healing Crystal series 'Ransom' is out! This is a smashing series, complete with intrigue, mystery, romance, full-bodied characters, and in-depth study of human interactions.

Young Kairma is keeper of the Healing Crystal and heir to the leadership of her colony. However, she doesn't feel capable and her sister, Kinter, doesn't think Kairma is either.  Little did Kairma know, as she wished away her responsibilities, the old religious myths were true; around her neck hung the fate of the world.

Just that little bit got me hooked, making me want to read the trilogy immediately. I mean, what myths? What fate? What is the Crystal? Why is it around her neck? But there is more, much more. More questions and more answers than I ever expected.

Don't forget to check out the raffle! You could win!

In Book One, Heir toPower, we meet Kairma, heir to the Healing Crystal and destined to become the leader of Survin, a reclusive colony hidden in the mountains for more than four hundred years. Kairma and her closest friends discover a tomb containing artifacts from the Ancient Ones, leading them all on a quest to find the true purpose of the Crystal.

In Book Two, Fall of Eden, we find ourselves asking, "What is the Healing Crystal and who is the rightful heir? Is it a religious object or a powerful weapon? Does it belong to a fallen line of kings or to the colonists of Survin? Should its fate be left in the hands of the young and inexperienced Kairma or to Narvin, the last descendent of a line of kings?"
Kairma holds the Crystal and believes she will become the next leader of Survin, while her younger sister Kinter, believes she, not Kairma, is the rightful heir. Narvin believes the Healing Crystal is the Star of Genesis, a powerful relic his ancestors have been seeking for centuries.

Determined to possess the object that will return him to his glory, Narvin is unwavering in his quest to possess it, and Kairma is caught in a fierce race across barren deserts and rugged mountains to a shattering finish where the winner must decide the fate of the world.

In the exciting conclusion of The Healing CrystalTrilogy, Karima, bearing the weight of the most powerful object known to mankind, must choose between returning to Survin and blissful ignorance or trusting powerful strangers to create a new future. Will she make the right decision?


If you haven't read the first two books, I'm warning you there may be some spoilers in my review. If you want to find out about the trilogy without the spoilers,  I have included a couple of links to Heir to Power and Fall of Eden here:

The Write Path: Book Review- Heir to Power by Michele Poague
Heir to Power by Michele Poague - Desert Bookshelf News
Blog Tour Review of, Fall of Eden, by Michele Poague » LDS Women's Book Review

My Take

Ransom is a very satisfying conclusion to this epic science fiction story. The love quadrangle, a tight, tense subplot of this tale, becomes settled yet Kairma still has the problem of her blood.  Will it keep her from ever mating? This new nuance keeps this romance alive in 'Ransom' but there are new romances in Ransom as we meet a whole new group of people.

As Ransom opens, we are introduced to a whole new society full of interesting people, ideologies, and goals. Never fear; Poague wraps the new story around pieces from the continuing story of Kairma, Kinter, Collin, and Naturi, in such a way that readers don't lose their way. Much like Ender's Shadow, in 'Ransom'  Poague retells the end of 'Fall of Eden' from different eyes with additional facts. Here the true science fiction aspect of the trilogy bursts open without destroying the slight fantasy, mythical feel of the original story. Once the new story and the continuing story meet the end of book two, the two intertwine to finish the legend of the Healing Crystal. An amazing story from the fertile imagination of this gifted story teller.

Poague has an excellent handle on not only dialog, characters, and philosophies but also on plot and story telling. Each character is complete with motivations that shine through brilliantly. Being a character reader, I was captivated by this trilogy. 

There are many subplots to this trilogy and though not as involved as Lord of the Rings, Poague manages to introduce three different societies with different philosophies and balance the subplots in a way that makes it all feel absolutely real. 

Descriptions are woven into the tale so seamlessly but clearly that the reader never breaks stride with the story and yet can 'see' everything. It takes a special talent to tell a reader things without telling. It is something I demand of the books I read and something Poague  glowingly delivers.

My Recommendation

I highly recommend this book for anyone who loves a good tale, a light romance, a light science fiction, or a good character driven novel.

Don't Forget to Enter the Raffle! And remember to visit others in the RANSOM BLOG TOUR!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Be sure to visit other blogs in the blog tour for more chances to win!

October 21       A Book A Day Reviews
October 25       Tickets to the Rabbit Hole
October 28        Chapter Break              
October 30        Beth’s Book Reviews  
November 1      Cynthia Shepp             
November  4     Broicuan Bookworms 
November 5      LifeandArtandStuff      
November 7      Ryans’ Retake             
November 11    The Library Canary    
November 13    Book Fr3ak                  
November 14    A Daily Dose of R&R   

For more information and to connect with Michele Poague please visit any or all of the following sites and networks:


twitter: @HCTSciFiNovels

pinterest: michelepoague

goodreads: michelepoague